BUSY - As defined in the Oxford Dictionary "having a great deal to do."  Yes, the Rotary Club of the Lowcountry has been busy!  
Sept 11, 2023, we had 10 members and one spouse participate in the Patriot Day event in the Beaufort Waterfront Park.  They volunteered to be flag bearers for our Club along with the Exchange Club, Lions Club, Beaufort Rotary Club, Boy Scouts and the Sea Island Rotary Club.  It was a very touching and moving community event to honor and remember those who died on 9/11.
On Saturday, 9/16/23, we had 4 Rotarians, 1 spouse and 62 Interact Club members participate in the Walk for Water held in Port Royal at the Live Oaks Park.  This is the 7th annual Walk in Beaufort and we are so proud of those who gave of their time raising money for this mission and of their time to walk.  Pictured from our Club is Dick Deuel, Bob and Colleen Bible, Doug and Kathy Crowley.