Don’t stop and smell the roses or you will get left behind, as the Rotary Club of the Lowcountry is busy!!
We welcomed new member Daniel Thomas into our club April 26th.
(Pictured Susan and Daniel Thomas, President Bob Bible and Membership Chair, Neil Lipsitz). Welcome Daniel!!

Lori Opozda, Executive Director of HELP of Beaufort, presented a very interesting program including an update on their new facility being built in Port Royal. Thank you Dana Bolden for inviting Lori to our morning meeting.
(Pictured Dana, Lori and Bob)

And thanks to Scott Klumb for organizing the annual Buckets for Brackets challenge! Always a lot of partipation and fun (at least for the winners who get bragging rights). All monies go to the CART Fund (Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust) - don’t forget, we are Club of the Year for the Cart Fund (again). 🎊🎉
(pictured Kerry Bunton, Foundation Chair and Scott Klumb, Secretary)